I have been an instructor of a variety of courses in curriculum and instruction and child development at the university level. I enjoy teaching courses both in my research area and across other curricular areas in early childhood education and development.
Courses I have taught include:
Curriculum and Instruction (CI) 465 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood I, Fall 2018 and 2019
CI 466, Language and Literacy in Early Childhood II, Spring 2019
Educational Practice (EDPR) 250, Educational Practice in Special Fields, Practicum Experience with Infants and Toddlers, UIUC, Fall 2016
Faculty, CYAF 497 I and K. Practicum in Infancy and Kindergarten Classrooms, UNL, Fall 2014
Faculty, CYAF 896 Topics in CYAF (Independent Study), UNL, Fall and Summer 2014
Discussion Section Instructor, Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) 105 Introduction to Human Development, UIUC, Spring 2013
Internship Supervisor, HDFS 450 Interns at CCRC UIUC, 2010-13
Lab Instructor, HDFS 290 Research Methods, UIUC, Fall 2009
Lab Instructor, HDFS 294/PSYCH 290 Research Internship, UIUC, 2008-09